So, have a nice time reading this post about Organization
Organizations is basically used as a place or a place where people gather, work together in a rational and systematic, planned, organized, guided and controlled, in exploiting the resources (money, materials, machines, methods, environment), infrastructure, data, etc. are used efficiently and effectively to achieve organizational goals.
According to experts there is some sense of organization as follows.
1.Stoner said that the organization is a pattern of relationships through which people under the direction of superiors to pursue common goals.
2. James D. Mooney argued that any form of union organization is a human being to achieve a common goal.
3. Chester I. Bernard argues that the organization is a system of cooperation activities carried out by two people or more.
4. Stephen P. Robbins stated that the Organization is the entity (entity) consciously coordinated social, with a relatively identifiable boundary, working on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or purpose group.
>> As for the characteristics of the organization is
[] The component (superiors and subordinates)
[] The existence of cooperation (cooperative is structured from a group of people)
[] The goal
[] The target
[] The format and order of attachment that must be obeyed
[] The delegation of authority and coordination tasks
Elements of the Organization
According to Keith Davis, there are three important elements of participation:
[] The first element, that the participation or the participation in fact a mental involvement and feelings, rather than solely or simply by physical involvement.
[] The second element is the willingness to give something to contribute to the attainment of group goals. This means, that there is a sense of fun, volunteering to help the group.
[] The third element is the element of responsibility. The element is a prominent aspect of the sense of being a member. It is recognized as members means there is a sense of "sense of belongingness".
Organisation Theory
A. Classical Organization Theory
Classical theory contains the concepts of the organization beginning in 1800 (age 19). Generally described as enumerated by the classical theorists are very decentralized and specialized tasks, and provide mechanistic clues do not contain rigid structural creativity.
1. Theory of Bureaucracy
This theory was advanced by Max Weber in his book "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. The word bureaucracy initially derived from the legal-rational. The organization is legal, because his authority came from a set of rules and procedures are clearly defined role, and the organization is called rational in terms of setting goals and designing the organization to achieve that goal.
2. Administrative Theory
This theory was largely developed on the basis of the contribution of Henri Fayol and Urwick Lyndall from Europe as well as Mooney and Reily of America. Henry Fayol industrialists of France, in 1841-1925 put forward and discuss the 14 principles of management on which to base the development of theories of administration are: ~ The division of labor (division of work) ~ The authorities and responsibilities (authorityand responsibility) ~ Discipline (discipline) ~ Unity of command (unity of command) ~ Unity of direction (unity of direction) ~ Putting the public interest personal daraipada ~ Remuneration (remuneration of personnel) ~ Centralized (centralization) ~ Chain scalar (scalar chain) ~ Rules (oreder) ~ Justice (equity) ~ The continuity of personnel (stability of tenure of personnel) ~ Initiative (initiative) ~ The spirit of the corps (spirit de corps)
3. Scientific Management
Scientific management developed starting in 1900 by Frederick Winslow Taylor. There are two opinions about scientific management. The first opinion says the scientific management is the application of scientific methods to the study, analyzing and solving organizational problems. The second opinion said that scientific management is a set of mechanisms or techniques "a bag of tricks" to improve the work efficiency of the organization.
B. Neo Classical Theory (or Theory of Human Relations)
Neoclassical theory simply as a theory / flow of human relationships (the human relations movement). Neoclassical theory was developed on the basis of classical theory. The presumption of this theory is to emphasize the importance of psychological and social aspects of the employees as individuals and as part of working group on the basis of this assumption is the neoclassical theory defines "an organization" as a group of people with common goals.
C. Modern Organization Theory
Modern theory also called on the organization as a system analysis is the third major streams in organizational theory and management. Modern theories look at all elements of the organization as a whole & interdependence, in which argued that a system is not closed organisasi associated with a stable environment, but the organization was a system will open.
Sources: # ixzz1ZpnPeD00
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