

Social Stratification and Equality

Social stratification (social stratification) is the distinction of the population into classes are graded in layers of high and low. Social stratification in society is due to something that is valued more for the assessment group, such as wealth, power, descent (honorary), and science (education).
In the simplest form of society that social stratification seen in the following.

* The group by sex and age with the differentiation of rights and obligations.
* The existence of these groups and influential tribal leaders who have special privileges.
* The existence of the most influential leaders.
* The existence of people who are outside the caste excommunicated and persons outside the protection of the law.
* The division of labor within the tribe itself.
* The economic standard distinction.

The more complex and advanced the development of a society, the more complex social layers of society is also a system.

Some common conditions that promote the social stratification of society according to Huky (1982) are as follows.

* Differences of race and culture. The difference of biological characteristics, such as skin color, ethnic background, culture in a particular society can lead to certain social division. For example, the coating on the basis of skin color in South African society in the days of apartheid or the public opinion of Europe before World War II who said that white people are the very top levels of society.
* The division of specialized tasks. The positions in this specialization related to differences in function of stratification and power of emerging social order. The differences of position or status of community members based on the division of labor in every society, both in primitive societies and in the community that has been developed.
* Scarcity. Stratification occurs slowly because the allocation of rights and powers of a rare or endangered. Scarcity is felt when people begin to distinguish the position, power tools, and functions that exist in the same time. Conditions of containing different rights and opportunities among the members of the community to create social stratification.

In general, social stratification is formed because of the following things.

* Duties and placement of someone in the community.
* Prizes (reward) based on the assessment of material / non material.
* Scarcity of jobs because it requires expertise / skills.

Stratification comes from the Latin word Stratum (single) or Strata (plural).

Basic stratification in society is mainly due to the existence of something that is valued more, be it wealth, knowledge, power and so forth. Size used to classify a person at a particular layer is a measure of cumulative and not a single measure.

* Wealth, is closely related to income. People who own property many (rich) will be more appreciated and respected society than the poor.
* Power, associated with a person's ability to determine his will against another person (who ruled).
* Descendants, descent criteria regardless of the size of wealth or power.
* Education (Science), in a society that values science or education, people who have skills or profesionalis will gain a greater appreciation.

The elements in the coating system of society is the status (status) and role (role). Both of these elements is a standard element in the coating system of society. The position and role of a person or group has significant meaning in a social system.

Status or position is the position of someone in a social group or community. The status is a reflection of the rights and obligations in human behavior.

Each individual will gain the status in several ways.

* Ascribed status, the position which obtained automatically or without effort, for example, title of nobility or gender.
* Achieved status, the position obtained by someone with a deliberate effort depends on the ability of each in pursuit of its objectives, for example degree earned through education.
* Assigned status, is a combination of both, namely the position of a person obtained through awards / gifts from other parties after the person is meritorious or fight for something to meet the needs or interests of the community.

In public life there are always clashes or conflicts experienced by a person related to the status it has. This is called conflict status.

Conflict status can be differentiated into 3 terms.

* Conflict status individual. That is, the conflict can only be felt by the person in his inner self.
* Conflict status between groups. For example, the status of inter-departmental conflict.
* Conflict of status between individuals. As a wife quarreled with her husband.

Status symbol is the use simbol-simbol/lambang to show one's position in society are realized in the form of the behavior of a person / group that according to the status of a possession that can be seen from his daily life through certain characteristics, such as speaking style, how to dress , way of recreation, how to use leisure time, wore a sign of rank, and so forth.

The role is the behavior expected from someone who assumes that status.

Role conflict arises when people must choose one of the roles of the two or more of its status as a role that contradict each other.

There are three kinds of social stratification.

* Social stratification is closed, the stratification in which a difficult to conduct vertical mobility.
* Social stratification is open, namely stratification in which a person can easily hold mobility, both vertically upwards and vertically downwards, because the opportunities for mobility is very large.
* Stratification mix, a combination of both.

There are several characteristics of social stratification that generally occur in the community. These characteristics are as follows.

* The big difference in status and role.
* The distribution of rights and obligations.
* The prestige and appreciation.
* The symbol in status.
* The existence of different interaction patterns.
* The existence of stratification that involves group.
* The existence of stratification that is universal (that is different is the style and its manifestations).

Form class division or class is different between one community and other communities. The form was strongly influenced by factors which it is based, be it economic, social, or political.

:: Economy::

The division of society based on economic or coating will distinguish the community of property ownership. Under the ownership of property, the community can be divided into three classes.

* The class consists of a group of wealthy people who can freely make ends meet, even to excess.
* The middle class consists of a group of affluent people who can meet the basic needs (primary).
* The class consists of a group under the poor who still can not meet the primary needs.

In general, coating the public in democratic countries include the following six categories.

* Elite: rich people and the people who occupy the position / job that the community highly valued / appreciated.
* Semi-professional: office workers, traders, middle-educated technicians, and those without degrees.
* Skill: people who have mechanical skills, technicians, and kapster.
* Semi Skill: factory workers without skills, drivers, restaurant waiters.
* Unskill: housekeeper, gardener, yellow army (official street cleanliness).

:: Social::

Coating is a social community coating system which classifies people according to status. Generally, the value of one's status in society is measured from the prestige, or prestige.

:: Politics::

Politically, the coating of society is based on authority and power. The greater the person's authority or power, the higher the social layer. People who have authority or power source placed at the upper levels of society. This group includes executive officers, both at national and village level officials, legislative, and judicial officials. Communities that do not have the authority placed in the bottom layers of society.

The occurrence of Social Coating

1. Happen by itself

This process is run in accordance with the growth of society itself. This social layer was formed by accident (natural / by itself). In the coating is happening by itself this is, then one's position on a particular stratum is automatically. For example old age, his brilliance, or relatives of the ground opener, someone who has artistic talent, or magic.

2. Occur with deliberate

This process is running or arranged purposely intended to pursue a common goal. In this coating is determined clearly and unequivocally that the authority and powers granted to a person. This system can be seen for example in an organization. For example, government organizations, political organizations, organizations in large companies. In terms of the organizations that are prepared in this way contains two systems, namely:

- Functional System: is a division of labor at the position whose level is side by side and must work together on equal footing, such as an office within the organization there is cooperation between the head section and others.

- Scalar system: the division of powers under the stairs or a ladder from bottom to top (vertical).

Coating systems division by nature.

1. Coating system is a closed society

In this system the displacement of people from a layer to another layer of either upward or downward is not possible, unless there are special things. In such a system is the only way to become a member of a layer in society is by birth. Coating system is closed we find for example in India where people recognize the caste system.

2. Coating systems that society tebuka

In this system each member of the public have the opportunity to fall into the coating on the bottom or rise to a coating on it. Such systems can be found for example in Indonesian society today. Each person was given the opportunity to occupy any position when there is opportunity and ability for it. But in addition, people also can come down from his post if he is unable to defend it. Status (position) is obtained based on one's own is called "achieved status".

Similarity Degrees

The ideal of equality has always been at the desire of every human being. Religion teaches that every human being is equal. The UN also aspire to a similar degree. Evidenced by the existence of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, who was born in 1948 assumes that human beings have the right was carrying since birth that attached to him. Some rights were possessed without distinction on the basis of nation, race, religion or sex, because it is fundamental and universal.

Indonesia, as an independent country before the declaration of human rights have also been included in the articles of the 1945 Constitution regarding human rights. Article 27 (2) UUD 1945 states that every citizen has the right to decent work and livelihood for humanity. Article 29 (2) states that the state guarantees freedom of each citizen to embrace their religious teachings and to worship according to religion or belief respectively.

Elite and Mass

In certain communities there are some people involved in leadership, otherwise in a particular community residents excluded. In general terms the elite shows a group of people who occupy the highest place in society. In a sense, more specifically, the elite is a group of prominent people in certain fields and in particular the small group that holds power.

In a more general way elite use intended "position in society-at the peak of social structures, most importantly, the highest position in the economy, government, military forces, politics, religion, teaching, and service jobs." This type of society and the nature of elite culture is crucial character. In industrial society elites totally different character with the elite in the primitive society.

In a coating of course there is a small group of people who have key positions or those who have great influence in menganmbil various policies. They were probably the officials duties, scholars, teachers, rich farmers, wealthy merchants, retirees and others. The opinion leaders (opinion leaders), which in general holds the key strategies and has its own status which ultimately is the elite of society.

There are two trends to determine the elite in society ie, FIRST focus on the social function and that BOTH considerations that are moral. Both these tendencies gave birth to two kinds of elites, namely elite elite internal and external. Elite concerning the integration of internal moral and social solidarity associated with certain feelings at certain times, good manners and state of the soul. While the external elite is included achievement of objectives and adaptation-related problems that show the harsh nature of other societies or indeterminate future.

The term mass is used to indicate a collective grouping of other elementary and spontaneous, which in this case resembles the crowd, but that is fundamentally different with him in other things. The mass represented by the people who participate in behaviors, such as those that interest rose by several national events, they are spread in various places, those who are interested in a murder incident as reported in the press or those who participate in a migration in a broad sense. Mass characteristics are:

1. Its membership comes from all walks of life or social strata, including people from various classes of different positions, from office skills, levels of prosperity and different cultures. People can recognize them as such masses of people who are following the trial on the murder for example through the press.

2. Massa is a group of anonymous or rather composed of anonymous individuals.

3. Little interaction or exchange of experiences among its members.

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