

Ongkos Hidup di Jepang

Gw pengen banget pindah ke Jepang. Tapi klo wat sekarang2 mah kayanya mimpi aja deh....T~T
padahal pengen banget pindah.........
oh ya, ngomong-ngomong berapa sih ongkosnya klo pengen tinggal di Jepang?

Gw dapet info dari, tentang berapa ongkosnya.....(-_-ll) teryata mahal.....T~T mimpi gw mulai runtuh nich.....nich info yang w dapetin.

Peran Organisasi Kepemudaan Di Masyarakat

Organisasi kepemudaan adalah lembaga non formal yang tumbuh dan eksis dalam masyarakat antara lain ikatan remaja masjid, kelompok pemuda (karang taruna) dan sebagainya (Warastuti, 2006). Anggota dari Organisasi tersebut tentu saja adalah para pemuda dan pemudi. Organisasi kepemudaan lebih mengarah kepada kegiatan sosial karena merupakan wujud kesadaran untuk membantu sesama.

Di lingkungan saya kemungkinan terdapat banyak organisasi kepemudaan. Namun, saya tidak akan menjelaskannya satu persatu, bukan hanya karena saya kurang tau tentang organisasi-organisasi tersebut tapi juga karena saya tidak ikut dalam organisasi apapun.


Diva Virtual part 2

kali ini saya akan menjelaskan tentang Vocaloid yang lain. Tepatnya Vocaloid yang dirilis setelah Hatsune Miku.
Karakternya ada dibuat 2-in-1 packet artinya ada dua jenis suara dalam satu program.
Karakter Vocaloid ini merupakan dua bocah kembar (laki-laki&perempuan) bernama Kagamine Len (laki-laki) dan Kagamine Rin (perempuan)

berikut penjelasan detailnya :

Dirilis pada tanggal 27 Desember 2007, Rin & Len Kagamine (鏡 音 リン レン, Kagamine Rin / Len) adalah produk kedua dari Vocaloid2 Seri Karakter Vokal dikembangkan oleh Crypton Future Media Ltd (CFM), suara laki-laki (Len) dan perempuan suara (Rin).


Studentsite UG

Studentsite is one of service web provided by the University of Gunadarma for its students in order to facilitate all kinds of activities or purposes related to the lecture. This site bridge almost anything between universities and students. This site has many features including

1. Locker, as well as the usual locker that can store various personal belongings of the owner. These lockers feature also save the message lecturer (Lecture Message) given by lecturers from the students concerned, Summary Score, Schedule Lecture and Test Schedule. So by simply opening the "locker", the students can know all things related to academic activities at the University Gunadarma.
2. Address book, to manage email addresses colleagues from the students concerned.
3. Calendar, this feature allows the student should arrange his daily schedule agenda. Thus, there is no activity that overlooked or forgotten.
4. File Manager, to store and manage files dimilkinya.
5. Forum, of course this place is for student hang out to share and exchange ideas on a topic that is hot at this time with colleagues through these features.
6. Polls, this feature is used to solicit the opinions of his colleagues on a topic, event or phenomenon that is happening.
7. Email, with a capacity of 100 MB and can be accessed in a single screen.
8. Bookmarks, a feature that should be used by students who often seek information through the Internet, especially if they have a favorite site they regularly visit. Due to this feature they can save their favorite site's URL for future reference.
And in the locker there are many menus that can be accessed by students for tuition purposes. some sample menus include:
1. Messages Lecture: Lecture messages on college students get to see the tasks given to the lecturer to student.
2. Summary Score: the students can see the values that she gained during the lecture.
3. Lecture schedule: students can view class schedules, college, lecture hall in 1 semester.
4. Schedule of exams: students can find a schedule that will be in ujiankan, also may find the test of time and space.
5. Seminar Info: students can find out whether there is a seminar or not. Students also can attend these seminars by registering seminars.
6. Writing (UG Portfolio): through writing, students can contribute their opinions, stories, tips and others. As a tool for students to add and expand horizons. But keep in mind for posts made by some students do not copy other people's work (plagiarism). A paper posted by a student can be accessed by everyone through wartawarga.
7. Task (UG Portfolio): through assignment, students can upload task given by the lecturers, so that our task can be read by the lecturer concerned.
8. Wartawarga: through studentsite students can also access wartawarga containing news, stories, tips, and others.
And many more advantages that exist in studentsite.
But of course, there are deficiencies in this site.
The following are the deficiencies that are felt at the time we use studentsite:
1. Studentsite dead / non-active, which according to my analysis of this happened because too many students are accessing studentsite in a specified period of time.
2. Difficulties in the activation of sites by mistake filling date of birth
3. Sometimes the information is already expired. As there are several tasks that turns out in the lecture message is a task for students from academic year 2009.

Though certainly not yet reached perfection studentsite service site is very helpful to students in lectures and college administration. Of course, it is expected that future weakness of the site can be removed, as well as adding new features to further simplify the user or the students.

that's all for the info, thanks for reading this article.

Quotes for today
"There's no Perfect things in this world, but because of that we able to see many beatiful things"


Me in My Family

This is the simplest and hardest question. simplest, simplest because actually I am already know the answer by now and hardest because I don't know how to explain my answer.
-__- *sigh*
Okay, for now let's forget what written up there. I'll tell you about me now..........

my answer is straight and clear. I am an obedient son, that's my role in my family. Act as a fully obedient son, always do what my parents told me to. Never deny my parents order, is that's sound hard? no, for me I've been happy with my place and never even once I am regretting my life. Because I know what my parents want is for me to success in my life. I love my family no matter how strict or stubborn them, and I know they love me too.
For them I were always number one even if that not entirely true. and I'm grateful for that. They always praised me even if what I do weren't the best in class. This is the reason for my obedience, their love and hard work  for me from the moment I were born in this world till now I'll never able to pay that. So, being obedient is the only way I can do for now.

that's my answer for the question. Man, this question actually really bugging me (=3=)p but, from this answer I can actually find an answer for myself.
Quotes for today.....
"No Matter How Far You Go............You'll Still Have a Home To Come Back"


Diva Virtual

Pernahkah mendengar tentang Vocaloid??atau tentang penyanyi virtual bernama Hatsune Miku???
mungkin di Indonesia Vocaloid belum terlalu terkenal......sekalipun sudah mungkin hanya terbatas pada kalangan atau komunitas tertentu saja......

Apakah Vocaloid itu???
Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas:

Vocaloid (ボーカロイド?) adalah perangkat lunak produksi Yamaha Corporation yang menghasilkan suara nyanyian manusia. Komposisi musik dan lirik dimasukkan di layar penyunting sesuai nyanyian dan iringan musik yang diingini. Suara nyanyian diambil dari "pustaka suara" yang berisi sampling rekaman suara dari penyanyi sebenarnya. Lirik lagu dapat dinyanyikan dalam bahasa Inggris atau bahasa Jepang.
Yamaha tidak menjual Vocaloid secara terpisah, melainkan dibundel dengan pustaka suara produksi perusahaan pustaka suara yang mendapat lisensi Yamaha. Vocaloid berasal dari kata "vocal" dan "android".
Perangkat lunak ini pertama kali dirilis Yamaha pada 26 Februari 2003. Teknik yang dipakai adalah Penyambung dan Pembentuk Artikulasi Nyanyian dengan Domain Frekuensi (Frequency-Domain Singing Articulation Splicing and Shaping). Sampling rekaman suara penyanyi profesional diolah dengan metode domain frekuensi. Hasilnya dimasukkan ke dalam basis data "artikulasi nyanyian" yang berisi potongan suara dan teknik bernyanyi.

nah dah tau sekarang khan.....apa itu Vocaloid. Dari sini apakah anda sudah bisa menebak siapa Hatsune Miku??

Ya, Hatsune Miku adalah salahsatu karakter dari software Vocaloid.

Miku ini punya 6 jenis suara, mulai dari Soft (lembut, suara halus), Sweet (muda, suara bocah), Dark (dewasa, suara patah hati/sedih), Vivid (cerah, suara ceria), Solid (keras, suara jernih), dan Light (polos,tenang).
selain itu ada juga software yang digunakan untuk membuat tarian 3D dari si Miku ini. Nama programnya yaitu MikuMikuDance (MMD). dengan software ini kita bisa membuat Miku menari sesuai keinginan kita.
ini saya kasih salahsatu videonya untuk anda.

hebat bukan...saya sendiri baru tau tentang Vocaloid baru-baru ini saja.
sayangnya ini bukan software gratis, jadi saya yang hanya seorang mahasiswa dengan uang saku yang pas2an
tidak mampu untuk membeli...........(padahal pengen banget punya)
Sekian saja artikel saya tentang Vocaloid. Mungkin masih banyak kekurangan dalam artikel ini tapi, semoga info ini dapat bermanfaat bagi anda dan tentu saja nanti akan ada artikel tentang Vocaloid.
So, see ya next time....

Quotes : "Have fun and enjoy your life, but don't forget to always pray to God"


First Post

Bikin Blog baru nich........coz Blog yang lama gw lupa accountnya T~T
mulai dari awal lagi deh........=P
tapi ga apa, yang lalu biarlah lets keep to move forward and reach our dreams.........

quotes : "you can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying over the future" by anonymous